College Profile

Vision :

‘Tewo sada dnyanmaya pradeep’

Mission :
Empowerment of rural women for empowerment of society.

Goals & Objective :

  • To impart quality education to rural women and enable them to become competent individuals thereby benefitting the country and human society at large.
  • To provide knowledge and skills regarding Home Science education to real life situations.
  • To inculcate among women positive self concept, awareness of women’s issues and rights with rational outreach programmes.
  • To develop competence for entrepreneurship.

This college is affiliated to Shrimati Nathibai Damodar Thakarasey Women’s University, Mumbai and the course programme is developed by the University. We adopt and implement the curriculum designed by it. S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai has programmes and curricula specially developed to address the needs of women’s empowerment. In addition to the regular curricula, the institution offers Remedial courses so that our students have over all development to meet the challenges of life. The institution runs three years degree course on grant-in-aid basis, in the Home Science faculty. The institution implement only one degree course ‘ Human Ecology and Consumer Services.